
Fixed-mobile integration

Fixed-mobile integration

With a Fixed Mobile SIM card you combine the benefits of your hosted Voip exchange with your mobile phone. The mobile phones in your organization will be fully integrated in your telephony solution. Each SIM card is directly linked to an extension number on the exchange. This allows free calls from the office phones to the mobile phones and vice versa.

For the call quality you are no longer dependent on your mobile internet connection or on aour pps; you simply call through the mobile network. By default you call out with the caller ID of your business telephone number, but making calla with the caller ID of your mobile number is possible too.

The advantages of the Fixed-mobile SIM card are in short:

  • Mobile telephones become part of the telephone exchange, including call forwarding, speed dialing, conference possibility, call recordings and Busy Line Feed (BLF).
  • Mutual calling between the mobile telephones and the office phones within the organization is free of charge. Every mobile phone can be internally called on its three-digit extension number.
  • Choose which number to send as the caller ID: the business landline number (standard) or your mobile number.
  • Accessibility of the mobile phone can be set flexibly in the Voip exchange.
  • 1 voicemail for the office- and mobile phone with optional voicemail-to-email.
  • Unlimited calls to fixed and mobile numbers in the EU (for direct calls via the mobile network).
  • 1 invoice for fixed and mobile telephony, everything can be cancelled monthly

You can purchase a Fixed-mobile SIM card subscription including number portability from € 14.50 per month. Contact us to discuss the options.




  • Een uitbreidbare Voip centrale in de cloud
  • Keuze tussen hosted 3CX of FreePBX
  • Voorgeïnstalleerde IP telefoons om direct te bellen
  • Nummerbehoud + extra nummers koppelen


  • Voip telefoonnummers
  • Regionaal & Internationaal


  • VDSL of Bundled VDSL
  • Optimaal voor Voip verkeer

IP telefoons
& headsets

  • Voorgeconfigureerde IP-telefoons
  • Ook draadloos


  • Voip simkaart
  • Mobiel onderdeel van uw Voip centrale

Bellen met

  • Gebruik Teams als telefooncentrale
  • Voordelige belbundels