
PBX subscriptions

Telephone exchange subscription

We offer 2 hosted software options, with which you can easily manage your telephony via a web browser: FreePBX 16 is our stable open-source Voip platform. Combined with FOP2 you can immediately see who is on a call and easily make a call transfer to your colleagues. With 3CX you have a telephony environment with free software apps for Windows, Mac, Android and iPhone built by 3CX. Here too you can see at a glance which colleagues are available. 3CX also offers the possibility to connect with a large number of CRM packages. An API is even available to make your own connection, if your CRM package is not listed.

We offer both platforms with a monthly subscription based on the number of simultaneous calls. Each subscription also comes with a number of included support minutes per month, so you don’t pay extra if you need help with a configuration change. You can click further below to view these options.

Your own Voip exchange

from € 29.95 p/m

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For outgoing calls you can use our built-in trunk to the fixed telephone network. You can download the costs for the international destinations here. The following rates apply to Dutch numbers (starting rate € 0.055):

NL fixed € 0.0175 per minute
NL mobile € 0.0775 per minute

Optionally you can use our Carefree Calling bundle. This service means that you buy off calls within the Netherlands to fixed and mobile numbers and to fixed numbers to 30 countries. Because this is a sip trunk service, all telephones at your exchange can use this. There is also no limit on the number of channels.

  • Costs for Carefree calling bundle (fair use policy of 4000 minutes per month) to NL fixed/mobile and 30 other countries fixed: € 39 per month.
  • Extra bundles of 1000 minutes cost € 20 per month.
  • Calls to NL fixed, mobile destinations (excluding 066- and 06760 numbers), 14xy, 085 en 088 are included in the bundle.
  • 084-, 087-, 090X, and 18XY-numbers have a service tariff. The service rate will be charged outside the bundle.




  • Een uitbreidbare Voip centrale in de cloud
  • Keuze tussen hosted 3CX of FreePBX
  • Voorgeïnstalleerde IP telefoons om direct te bellen
  • Nummerbehoud + extra nummers koppelen


  • Voip telefoonnummers
  • Regionaal & Internationaal


  • VDSL of Bundled VDSL
  • Optimaal voor Voip verkeer

IP telefoons
& headsets

  • Voorgeconfigureerde IP-telefoons
  • Ook draadloos


  • Voip simkaart
  • Mobiel onderdeel van uw Voip centrale

Bellen met

  • Gebruik Teams als telefooncentrale
  • Voordelige belbundels